12 Dec “A Christmas Carol” at Heritage School
We drove straight through on Sunday, leaving Simi Valley about 3:15 pm and arriving at our hotel in Provo, Utah, almost exactly 11 hours later. After sleeping in, we went to Heritage and reunited with Jonathan. It was a wonderful feeling and a great reunion.
We had lunch at Kneader’s, an AWESOME place if you’re ever here. Well, Colleen and I got our lunch there anyway. Jonathan and Josh decided they wanted …. McDonald’s. Whatever!
After spending the afternoon together, we droppedĀ Jonathan off back at Heritage until the show this evening. He did awesome! They ALL did incredible! You can see a couple minutes of video on my Facebook page. One of the aspects that Heritage is known for among residential therapeutic schools is their top-notch performing arts program. Every aspect of the program was excellent, from sets to costumes to the performing arts center to the acting, dancing and music. It really was incredible!
Somewhat unfortunately, this is also the last week of the class I’m enrolled in. That means a couple of assignments to do, including completing my 10+ page research paper, a 50 question quiz based on reading I’m a bit behind in and a couple of discussion board replies. All due Friday night by 10:00 pm (Utah time). I’ve been whittling away at that a little bit at a time throughout yesterday, today and tonight.
In the morning, we’ll do family therapy at 9:30 am, come back to the hotel to check out and head to Midway, Utah. It’s about 30 miles from here. We’ll be there until Friday, when we bring Jonathan back to Heritage and have another family therapy session before heading toward home.
That’s it for now. I’ll be posting through the week.
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