28 Jan A Great Word for our Men!
Spent this morning at our Men’s Breakfast. It’s been a long time since we’ve had a men’s event. Thanks to Dan Behr, Jim Jackson, Charles Southcott and Ray Tschaeche for making it happen so well. And to Sean Smith, Joe May and Charles Southcott for some rocking good worship. There’s just something different about a bunch of men signing their hearts out to Jesus!
It was a highlight to hear the message from Bob Penberthy, a personal friend and past co-worker. Today, Bob is the Pastor of NewLife Christian Center, the Foursquare Church in Upland. Bob and his wife, Lisa, have been faithfully leading that church for about 5 years through many past challenges. How’s this for a challenge? Having no Sanctuary building because it was torn down IN HOPES that the insurance company WOULD HAVE wanted it re-built after the earthquake damage? Yeah, you read me right … nobody gave the Pastor who tore it down permission to go ahead and do it! YIKES!!
Anyway, Bob was our Associate Pastor back in 1999-2000. I love this guy! His word was powerful this morning. He talked about what courage requires, challenging our men to be willing to do what it takes to build a ministry of men reaching men. It was powerful!
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