21 May A Season of Risk & Flexibility
You could kind of call this post my “Breezeway Remodel Update 3”, except that I want those titles to remain primarily for updates specifically related to details and news.
In this post, I want to share some things I sense the Holy Spirit may be speaking about this time in our life as a Church. It is a unique time. We are about to embark on a season unlike any other than I can remember leading us through.
For six months, we are going to be a Church WITHOUT WALLS! As the Breezeway Remodel Project is moving forward, we will not be able to meet in the Sanctuary. Structural changes will make it unsafe, and physical changes will make entrance inaccessible for a crowd of any size.
This is going to call for a measure of RISK and FLEXIBILITY on each of us who call NewHeart their church home. That measure will at times be a stretch.
We’re comfortable with what we know and have always known. We like our seat. We know where the entrance is. We know where the bathrooms are, whether or not we like where they are! We’re used to the colors, sights, smells and even the sounds.
Well, NewHeart, our world is about to be ROCKED! Not NOW, but SOON. Don’t know exactly when, but SOON ENOUGH.
Some people aren’t gonna like it. You know that’s you if you’re bugged inside even reading this. Some people are gonna think it’s a problem. That’s you if you’re already wondering where else you can go to church until we’re done. Some people are gonna think all we want is their money. That’s you if you’ve already decided you AIN’T giving, instead of praying about WHAT and HOW to give.
But you know what? Some people are gonna think this is an opportunity! That’s you if you wonder what it’s like for churches that are busting their chops to have a roof over their head wherever it is. Some people are gonna look for solutions! That’s you if your mind is already spinning about what the possibilities are to go to “a whole ‘nutha level”! Some people are gonna think this is a RISK worth taking! That’s you if you’re already dreaming about how CHANGED we’ll be by the time we occupy the finished project.
I’m really thinkin’ and feelin’ that this is a season God is going to use MIGHTILY to continue to SHAPE, FORM and GROW us as a congregation. Please know that in all those ways, I’m not so concerned about quantity (how many people) as I am about quality (who we become) throughout this process. How might God use this season to get us out and into the community more than we’ve ever been? Where might He direct us to do things differently than we’ve ever done them?
No doubt about it, this season is going to require RISK (anyone remember that word from earlier this year?) and demand FLEXIBILITY. Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be broken!
Which kind of person are you?
Posted at 21:41h, 08 DecemberPaul, I think this is a little out of date.