08 Feb An Awesome Weekend
What a joy it was to be with Mike Barker and Eric Mejia last Sunday. Mike & Eric are former Youth Pastors at NewHeart who are planting a church in Cedar Park, TX, just north of Austin. The church is called City Life Community.
I drove in on Saturday to complete plans to lead worship and speak at City Life on Sunday morning. We had a great time together at dinner, retiring for the evening at the Barker’s house with their three kids: Cole, Lauren and Emma. They were a blast to be with! Lauren stole her big brother’s starter guitar and played along with me as I put the worship list together.
Sunday morning was overwhelming for me. Just to watch what the Lord is doing through these guys was awesome. They’ve been meeting at Cedar Park Middle School since September and the church has about doubled in that time to an average attendance of 60. HALF of their church are kids 5 years old and under!
It was a real treat to lead worship, speak, and spend time with the “saints” and the “seekers” of City Life. The Lord is doing a GOOD thing in Cedar Park, Texas, and we at NewHeart have a small hand in it! Exciting!
Sunday afternoon, the church was invited and many responded, to the Barker’s for Super Bowl in their garage with several comfortable chairs and a giant 9 foot screen. Yeah Steelers!
Monday, I traveled with the Barker’s to San Antonio, where Stacey Barker’s father, Dan Hicks, planted The Church at Stone Oak almost 10 years ago. Dan has spoken at our church in the past and we have a good acquaintance. It was good to be with him and see the new building they completed two years ago.
After dinner at the Mejia’s, with their two kids, Abram and Grace, and the Barker clan, I headed out for my parents place, arriving late last night.
I heard your weekend at NewHeart was wonderful and that Wendy Cox did a marvelous job opening God’s Word to you. I knew she would!
I’ll blog more later ….
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