Another Day at the ’08 Convention

Another Day at the ’08 Convention

The third day of Convention has come and gone, in somewhat of a whirlwind it seems. For some reason, my eyes and body woke at 7:00 (5:00 am my time). It’s unusual for me to wake up early and be cognizant of much.

After waiting a few minutes, it was clear sleep would not settle back in, so I got up and did a couple of things. It wasn’t more than about five minutes when the reason my body awoke became apparent. My stomach did a couple of acrobatics, and before I knew it, nausea was in full force.

Making my way back to the bed to lay down and be still, the neighboring chills and sweats broke out while I hoped and prayed with all I had (which isn’t much that early for me) that I wouldn’t lose it. I HATE throwing up!

I just stayed as still and covered as I could. Next thing I knew, it was a couple hours later and I was fine, even feeling pretty rested. Thank you, Jesus! Have I mentioned that I HATE to throw up?

I made it to the Business Session, which was quite interesting. In a move to “save time” at Business Sessions, they are peppering the regular sessions with some of the business logistics. For instance, they took the vote on a number of Bylaw changes during tonight’s meeting. So, the earlier Business Session mostly served the purpose of allowing for questions and discussion regarding those changes.

I won’t bore you with details. Anyone interested can click here to go to the Foursquare Business website. It has our agendas and even the Bylaw changes in detail on it, though I have no idea how long they will leave it up.

After the Business Session, I connected with Mike Barker for lunch. We had a great time, and Mike always gets me laughing hard! He and Stacy are coming out to California for vacation in July, and we talked about having Mike come out and speak at NewHeart while he’s there. We’ll see.

The downside to the spreading out of business logistics into regular sessions is that they have added time to those sessions. Tonight’s meeting was again 3 1/2 hours long! Just way too long in my opinion. Lots of departure throughout the latter part of each evening’s session.

After tonight’s meeting, I spent the rest of the evening catching up on some work, getting a little rest and tracking with Colleen and the boys. They flew out of Burbank this afternoon and landed in Dallas a couple of hours ago.

They have since stopped at the hospital to see my sister-in-law, Danielle. She and my brother, Steve, are expecting Charlee Ann Kuzma to be born at any time. Labor was induced this afternoon. If she doesn’t deliver by tomorrow afternoon, they’ll do a C-section.

These are exciting moments for our family, and I am so grateful to be able to be here on the first days of Charlee’s life. I am so very proud of my brother, who has come a long, long way in his life over the last year or so.

Well, it’s late, and tomorrow is the last day of Convention. I’ll certainly post as soon as I can to announce Charlee’s birth, should she be born before I post tomorrow night.

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