Birthing A Message, Part 2

Birthing A Message, Part 2

Continuing from the last post on this topic, I’ll share with you some thoughts about why I believe that things like titles and graphics/artwork are so important to a message or series.

I won’t belabor the studies that show how overwhelmingly we learn and retain more effectively from visual modes over just auditory modes. Actually applying what we learn by doing it helps retain the “information” even more.

So, if we are really in the LIFE transformation business (and we are, in case it’s been a while since you’ve given that much thought), then in what I do as a communicator, I want to give you the best opportunities and atmospheres in which to not just LEARN, but to APPLY what you learn.

Things like titles and graphics/artwork and music and video connected to a message are just methods of communication. It’s often been said that the Bible is the message. As long as the message remains true, the methods of communicating the Truth can vary substantially.

Now, I’ve always said that I am not the most creative guy on the planet. I’m more nuts and bolts and details oriented. I love to teach God’s Word, and to make it applicable and understandable. But sometimes, I get too bogged down in the details and minutiae and can’t see the forest (big picture) for the trees (today; moment; little picture).

Though I believe so much in using visuals to help communicate the message, I don’t always have the time or talent to get what I do see in the big picture whittled down to actual paper and pen (ie., artwork, videos, music, etc.). Google Images comes in VERY handy when looking for visuals!

That’s why I am best friends with guys like Rick Warren, Wayne Cordeiro, Ed Young and the like. In case you don’t know them, they are mega-church pastors in different parts of the country.

In case you’re wondering, I do not know any of them personally. BUT, they allow their resources to be shared. While I don’t use their messages word for word, I sometimes use points from their outlines, and often use their artwork for print, website and screen presentation.

These guys have resources from larger churches they lead that are big help to those of us who lead churches that endeavor to use the best in communications, from printed materials to presentation backgrounds.

There are now some GREAT websites out there for video and background for sermon illustrations and backgrounds. I regularly scan sites like Sermon Videos, Sermon Spice, and Faith Visuals.

I am thankful for guys like Rick, Wayne, Ed and the many, many others who are blazing trails in communication excellence that others can benefit from. There are trails for us ALL to blaze that are different than what everyone else is blazing.

For instance, I believe part of my trail to blaze is in helping Pastors and their church leaders figure out how their Pastor can do what they do the way God means for THEM to do it. We tend to expect the same thing(s) from one Pastor to another without taking into account their individual make-up and wiring in their gifts, talents, personality, background and life-stage.

You’ve heard me talk about Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, which I believe must play into the maturity growth process of us all, and I especially feel called to see it developed in the lives of Pastors and leaders. EHS is a crucial component of any Pastor figuring out HOW to do what God has called them to do within the context of THEIR life.

Just more thoughts …

1 Comment
  • Veronica Joy
    Posted at 15:11h, 20 April Reply

    Hi Pastor Paul,
    Thanks so much for sharing the information about the visual sites. I have stored those away in my favorites. I am sure they will come in handy in the future. Thanks Again.

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