Catch-up Quick List

Catch-up Quick List

CANNOT believe it’s been two weeks since my last post. CANNOT believe I’ve been back from Texas for almost two weeks. CANNOT believe the school year is over. Let me catch you up on what the last two weeks (and then some) have held.

  • Just before I left for Texas, Colleen landed a new job as a Teacher for the Certified Nurse Assistant class at our local Adult School. She starts in September. She’s happy. That makes me happy!
  • Also just before I left for Texas, someone in our church called me and said they had a car they were getting rid of and they felt they were supposed to give it to me …. turns out it’s a 2001 Ford Crown Vic that used to be a Detective Car with the Beverly Hills PD! It’s even black! Sweet ride, and a lot of fun to watch people react when you’re driving near them! Really fun car for a Chaplain!
  • Went fishing with my boys for the first time ever two weeks ago! We all caught a lot of perch and I caught my first bass! It was only about 6″ long (or was it 12″? I can’t remember now!) but it was a blast of a time.
  • The last of 3 homes we lived in during my 4 Jr. High years in Texas was torn down last year. Made me sad.
  • Every trip to see my family in Texas is like a pilgrimage to me now. It’s where I gave my life to Jesus and was baptized in 1979.
  • My 12 year old son read 3 books in 3 days while we were in Texas. Amazing!
  • My wife and kids had their first Boots Burgers this time! If you’re ever ANYWHERE NEAR Rockwall, Texas, EVER, you’ve got to get yourself one (or more!!). Just trust me. Watch out though, they’re closed on Sundays & Mondays. The rest of the days, they’re only open a couple of hours.
  • I almost missed my flight home from Texas. TWO different GPS systems failed me a total of FOUR times with one battery failure, one freeway onramp that had been closed for YEARS and TWO onramps that were closed for construction. And here I thought technology was my friend! Silly me!
  • My 13 year old son is facing significant surgery this Summer for a nonossifying fibroma in his lower left tibia. We’re headed for a 2nd opinion appointment with the probable surgeon this Friday. We’re very glad it is caught and not causing him pain right now. We are told emphatically by the first doctor that it is NOT cancer.
  • Last Sunday, June 8, our church celebrated a friend’s healing from Lung Cancer. Last Thursday, another lady in church went in for a SECOND operation in TWO weeks for breast cancer. This Wednesday, a man in our church will have a cancerous tumor removed from his lung. WHAT is UP??
  • For the first time in …. well, EVER in my ministry …. our church will gather for July & August in one service on Sundays at 9:30 am starting July 6 as we prepare to become a CHURCH WITHOUT WALLS for 6 months. Weird thought.
  • I preached a message this morning on “What My Dad Taught Me”.
  • I spent the Father’s Day afternoon with my family at the BodyWorlds exhibit in Los Angeles. It was fascinating and I highly recommend it! Topped it off with Panda Express.

That’s all for now.

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