
OK, so now that I am over it, and more like it, more over mySELF and my own embarrasment, I have to tell you what happened last week. It was the weirdest thing, though the doctor says it's more common than most think. I fly home...

You will hardly believe what I got the chance to do yesterday! I had lunch with Ventura County Sheriff Bob Brooks and then got an hour long ride in a Ventura County Search & Rescue helicopter! Last October, I was attending the Simi Valley Community Pregnancy...

I had an amazing experience this week that I think it's going to take me a while to figure out. Last night (Wednesday), I attended Josh's FRESHMAN HIGH SCHOOL ORIENTATION!! Yep, you read that right, SHOUTING CAPS and all! It's been one thing (for me) for...

The last couple days have been a bit of a bummer. Woke up Friday morning with that weird feeling in my throat, and the fuzzy feeling in my head. You know how you just feel like you're off? Slowed me down way more than I...