12 Nov Decompressing
It's been four weeks since I finished school. It feels great to be done, but I'm finding it taking longer to decompress than I expected. I figured it'd take some time to gain a sense of "normalcy" (I know...
It's been four weeks since I finished school. It feels great to be done, but I'm finding it taking longer to decompress than I expected. I figured it'd take some time to gain a sense of "normalcy" (I know...
Got these from a friend and found them hilarious! Thought I'd share the humor: I think part of a best friend's job should be to immediately clear your computer history if you die. Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you're wrong. I...
I'm in Chicago on a couple hour layover. It's 4:10 am according to my body, but Chicago believes it's 6:10 am. I left LAX at about 10:45 pm. All this makes for a short night, but I'm sure my body will painfully remind me of...
It's late Sunday night, and we are officially exhausted! A good exhausted though! An emotional weekend having Jonathan here for his first home visit in over a year is coming to an end. He arrived Thursday evening, where we picked him up at LAX. As soon...
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity; it was the season of Light, it was the...
Friday morning, Jonathan and I both got up early. Actually, he always gets up early. The only different is that I got up early. Either way, it was just the two of us for a while. He ate breakfast, I enjoyed watching him, and we...
We started off a bit earlier today, at least for us! After breakfast, it was on to The Living Planet Aquarium. Not a big one, but definitely an adventure, filled with great fish (the kind for looking, not eating...
This morning, Colleen, Jonathan and I made breakfast together. His favorite: Chocolate Chip Pancakes. Josh slept in quite late, so the three of us ate together and had some really good conversation as well. We're so proud of how far Jonathan has come! At the same...
We enjoyed a GREAT day today! After sleeping in a bit and lounging for the morning, weaving in and out of conversations, we left for a day in Provo. We had hoped to get some snow tubing in. Last weekend, the area received what we heard...
Well, I wouldn't necessarily recommend Virgin River as a hotel. Not a bad price, but the room was a bit step down from a Motel 6. I don't mind Motel 6 when I'm traveling on my own, but when Colleen is with me, I like...