
Technology is amazing! I’m at JFK airport in New York waiting for our flight home. Pop open my laptop with my wireless card and, voila, I’m online!Yesterday’s breakfast with Pete Scazzero was wonderful. We had a great time of getting to know each other and...

The conference yesterday was just as I expected – confirmation of this material being so right for the Church-at-large really, though particularly timely for NewHeart. I am excited to have our Staff, Church Council and Leaders process it this year. Yesterday's Psalm in our Bible...

Mike King is one of our drummers. He and his wife, Gail, and their daughter, Christina, have been a part of our church life for many years. Last weekend, he went into the hospital as a result of some abdominal pain.This morning, surgery...

What a great weekend we celebrated at NewHeart! Easter is always an exciting time around most churches, but something different was definitely in the air this last weekend.I can't even tell you what it was, but something was different for me. For some reason, from...

Welcome to my blog! I hope you what you find here helps you get to know me better. One of the things I have become well-known for (not by any means on purpose) is for my ability to remember names.I have to admit that as...