Cathy Haedt

Cathy Haedt

Last Friday, Cathy Haedt was admitted to Simi Valley Hospital for complications from the lung cancer she has been so valiantly fighting over the last year. Yesterday, her oncologist reported that the cancer has spread quite aggressively.

Their IS further chemotherapy available, but she would have to start today and it would only be an effort to prolong her life, while probably lessening the quality of it at the same time.  Having weakened considerably the last two weeks or so, and enduring quite a bit of pain, she has decided to not receive any more treatment, and to spend her final days with Fred and Ceci.

Right now, Cathy is at Simi Valley Hospital, and the doctor is doing what he can to make her as comfortable as possible. You may already know that in a situation like this, there is NO timetable that anyone can put on this process. She is in the hospital now because her level of pain is such that that is where she can receive the quickest treatment. We do not know if she will be sent home at some point.

I know that there are many who are very close to Cathy, Fred & Ceci, and would very much like to go and be with them. However, they are requesting no visitors right now, desiring to spend this time together with each other. I know that this will be painful and difficult for some and I know the family deeply appreciates your understanding.

Cathy has asked me to let you all know how much she loves and appreciates each and every one of you. At times, when she can talk, she cannot stop talking about how deep her love is for Jesus, and for her church family.

I will update you as I have more information. Please pray for God’s peace and presence to wrap around and fill Cathy, Fred, Ceci, and their extended family in these days.

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