Cathy Haedt Update #3

Cathy Haedt Update #3

I spoke with Fred & Ceci early this afternoon, and delivered to them the scores of emails and cards that have been written to them and to Cathy. Fred asked me to let everyone know how deeply he appreciated the heartfelt words that were communicated.

There is nothing new in Cathy’s situation today. She is not in pain. Her times of rest and sleep are growing longer and her times of being awake and lucid growing shorter, which is expected at this point.

Her times of being awake and lucid are that much sweeter for Fred and their kids, who are surrounding her during these hours. There is that much more appreciation from the family for the respect that has been shown by so many who love them to allow them to share those moments with her without interruption.

I know it has been and is difficult for the countless people who have shared so much life with Cathy and Fred and their family over the years. So much within us wants to reach out and touch them the way they have touched us.

It is very hard to not do that in a time like this. I know it is not easy to actually be requested not to do that. So, thank you for your understanding!

As mentioned earlier, if you would like to write a note or card, you can either email it to me or drop it off at the Church Office. We are open 9:00 am – 5:00 pm and there is a mail slot in the Church Office door for after hours.

As always, I will keep you posted as soon as I can when we know more.

  • Craig Littlejohn
    Posted at 23:11h, 12 March Reply

    Hey Paul…. please let the Haedts know we love them all very much and we are praying with them during this difficult time.

    • Paul Kuzma
      Posted at 23:22h, 12 March Reply

      Thanks Craig! I will pass this along!

  • Cecilia Ticsay
    Posted at 18:12h, 13 March Reply

    Paul, Thank you for doing this for the family. I know they really appreciate it. Please know I am a phone call away 951-240-5420. Much love to you. Cecilia

    • Paul Kuzma
      Posted at 20:29h, 13 March Reply

      Thanks Cecelia! It was wonderful to meet you! I will certainly keep your number handy!

  • Stacey
    Posted at 20:08h, 13 March Reply

    Hi Paul,

    Please tell the Haedt family that we love them and are praying for them. Give Ceci a big hug from Mike and me. Thanks.

    • Paul Kuzma
      Posted at 20:30h, 13 March Reply

      I will definitely pass this along Stacey. Thank you!!

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