27 Nov Colleen’s Grandmother
Some are aware that two weeks ago, Colleen’s grandmother, Freda Kimmick, was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia that more commonly strikes elderly people. With the disease termed “uncontrollable” and the treatment coined “miserable”, she chose to deny treatment and be made as comfortable as possible. The last two weeks were joyously filled with many family surrounding her and discussions and memories well shared. At about 2:30 this morning, she passed away very peacefully at home.
Please forgive the impersonal nature of this form of communication, but it is the quickest and easiest way we know how to get the news to you. Thank you to those who already knew of Grandma Freda’s illness and had been praying. A Ventura County and Simi Valley pioneer from the Ecroyd family, Grandma Freda lived a very full life and enters heaven at 86 years old. She and her husband, Bill, were very active members of the Simi Valley United Methodist Church.
Memorial services are pending. I will send another email with those details when they are available for any who may have known her and would want them.
I hope your Thanksgiving was filled with the treasure of family and friends, and wish you a wonderful week!
Celebrating life (and the 28th day till Christmas!!),
Pastor Paul
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