26 May Connecting At “Connection ’09”
This week, I’m supposed to be on Anaheim at our annual Foursquare Convention (this year they’re calling it “Foursquare Connection“), where Pastors and Leaders of Foursquare Churches from all over the world gather to do corporate business and share time worshiping, learning and being together.
The event started last night (Monday) and ends on Thursday night. Matter of fact, tomorrow (Wednesday) morning at 11:45 (PST), I am presenting a workshop that I’m calling “Connecting With Your Congregation Electronically”. I’ll be sharing about how to use the electronic tools available today to be and stay in touch with your church.
Anyway, I was supposed to head down there last night. However, some pressing family issues kept me home. As I write this post around 9:30 Tuesday night, I am waiting for Colleen and Josh to get home from clothes shopping before I head out.
The big news of the day I hear from Convention is that Foursquare President Jack Hayford, who has served so well and faithfully the last five years has decided to remove his name from consideration for ratification of a second term of office. It had been planned that he would be ratified for the second term at this Convention.
Instead, Vice President Glenn Burris will serve as Interim President starting September 1. A new President will be selected at the 2010 Convention in Atlanta, GA. Very interesting development indeed, and the buzz of the Convention all week I am sure.
I’ll be posting more as the week progresses, and plan to do a post during my workshop tomorrow morning, so pop on by around 12:30 or so and you’ll probably catch that impromptu post as it happens! If you read this one, leave a comment that I can show all the folks at my workshop tomorrow!
tim & deb
Posted at 06:28h, 27 MayDear Techy Son-in-law,
I know this is the wave of the future, but Electronics will NEVER take the place of a HUG ! E-mails , Facebook, are all fun, but we are losing so much without that personal contact. When you have kids sit next to one another and are TEXTING each other…..Communication is more than words on a screen, be it a computer, phone or whatever ? It is expressing yourself through not only your words, actions, even body language and that doesn’t come across electronically.
That said, I know you will do a great job when you do your workshop because that is one of your gifts, being able to clearly express your self.
Have a Blessed Day,
Love, Deb