Convention 2006 begins

Convention 2006 begins

After a good night of rest, I hit the gym this morning for the first time since last week’s accident. I did notice yesterday that the vehicular anxiety I had been experiencing all week riding in cars as a passenger was gone. That was a relief.

Then, my workout this morning felt better than I expected as well. I am just so grateful for the protection of God, evident even a week later as I feel more and more normal after the trauma.

I had the chance to spend a bit of time getting the lay of the land, hoping to feel well familiar with where things are by the time Colleen and the kids arrive. Today is really the only day to do that as the next few will be frankly TOO busy with the Convention schedule.

Convention began tonight with some real flair. Touching videos reminding us of Memorial Day’s reason for existence and some special music along the same course. The music included a Colonial era military band parading through the auditorium to the platform and then leading us in the national anthem and a stirring lone bugler playing taps. It had a way of making our time of worship extra special as well. Of course, it’s always a treat to sing and worship with about 3,000 others in the room whose hearts are geared toward the same direction.

Pastor Jack Hayford, President of the Foursquare Church, spoke tonight out of Joshua 1:1-9. His message was on “How God Emerges A New Generation”. The most striking part of his message to me was how God declares with the emergence of any new generation, “In rising to the moment, walk with understanding.”

As Joshua becomes the new leader of Israel, God says, “Joshua, wherever you walk, wherever your sole treads (as you rise to the occasion), I’ve already been there (walk with understanding).”

The rest of the evening was spent catching up with old friends, Tim & Kelly Mossholder and their kids, and Bob & Lisa Penberthy. It’s become a Convention tradition for that group to gather after the first night’s session catching each other up and laughing a whole lot! Kelly said it well as we closed, “Well, we’ve started Convention off right!”

With that, Good Night …

  • Dan
    Posted at 15:46h, 30 May Reply


  • Dan
    Posted at 15:51h, 30 May Reply

    Hi Paul, when I was a kid, I remember the FBI Building tour and the Areospace section at the Smithsonian Museum were great. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier was very moving. Hope you enjoy the whole experience there, God Bless, Dan

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