31 Mar Easter … come and gone
What a great weekend we celebrated at NewHeart! Easter is always an exciting time around most churches, but something different was definitely in the air this last weekend.
I can’t even tell you what it was, but something was different for me. For some reason, from about Saturday afternoon (around the time I start to really focus on Sunday morning), I began to feel a deep sense of excitement and anticipation.
It’s not that I don’t feel excited week to week, but something within me just had a stronger sense of anticipation than normal. When we reached Sunday morning, everything fell together. From the first worship song until the last light switch was turned off and doors were locked, there was a palpable sense of God’s presence on our Easter Celebrations.
Between both celebrations, we had 320 people, with a handful giving their life to Jesus for the first time and many more recommitting to a relationship with Him. It was just awesome!
I am excited about the next several weeks as we continue our series, “Living In Community Without Driving Each Other Crazy”. I would be very interested to hear your thoughts and questions about this intriguing series. Let’s talk about it!
At the very least, leave me a note here that you visited. If I get enough response, I’ll keep doing this. If I don’t, I’ll consider it a good ole college try and put it away. So let me know what you think!
Posted at 22:29h, 01 AprilHey! We heard a rumor that your office staff has new pictures for the website as the old ones are looking pretty stale and un-becoming. How do we expect to draw new congregants with this motley crew of office staff mug shots? Signed, Un-Named Office staff Source (Cindy, Shurie & Angie who would like to remain anonymous despite rules against no anonymous warning).
Pastor Paul
Posted at 18:00h, 02 AprilCome on now ssouthcott! Give a guy a break and check the website more regularly. The staff page was updated with the new pictures about the same time that you left your comment. But thanks for the reminder anyway. There’s no staff like the NewHeart staff!!!
Posted at 19:55h, 15 AprilThanks Pastor Paul for the new pictures and your sense of humor. It makes life here at NewHeart a Joy. We are Blessed to work and serve here at NewHeart.
Cindy(office manager extrodinare)