Easter Earthquake & Spring Break

Easter Earthquake & Spring Break

stopdropcoverI didn’t feel it because the boys and I were on the freeway toward Indio, but what a wild thing to have an earthquake on Easter! What a great reminder that we are NOT in control of life around us and that anything can happen at any time!

Easter celebration at NewHeart was great! We’ll get pics posted in the next day or two, but the morning went very well as we gathered the whole church together to celebrate in one service.

We packed the auditorium at Township Elementary School, located right across the street from the church campus. The energy was electric, the worship team was full for the first time in a while (we’re using a smaller team each week in our smaller temporary location), and ALL of our volunteers served with distinction to welcome regulars and guests.

While I did my best on the message, I’ve already mentioned that my current health struggle has me feeling a bit reticent about any of my efforts these days. This Easter was a big reminder to me that ultimately, the work is the Lord’s not mine. I sensed that the Holy Spirit truly moved as I did my best to share God’s heart and purpose with all those gathered.

An added blessing to our family’s weekend was that Colleen’s parents came down for it. I really enjoy being with my in-laws. Wonderful people in so many ways, and I love it when my boys get to be around either set of grandparents.

After tearing down the Easter set-up and hanging out for a while with all those who did the hard work, the boys and I packed up and made our way to Indio. The drive was about 2-1/2 hours long.

We’ve met up with a friend of mine from Temecula who has a timeshare out here. He and his boys (our 4 boys have been lifelong friends) are here for Spring Break, so we had long planned to hang out together. We plan to be here until Thursday.

It’s been my hope that I would feel well enough this week to get in at least one round of golf. I haven’t played in months, and certainly haven’t felt well enough to exert the energy, especially since golfing requires so much twisting of the abdomen.

Today, my friend and I went to a nearby golf course to hit some golf balls to see how it would go. In short, nothin’ doin’! That ain’t gonna work.

I probably hit a dozen balls before I quickly sensed it wasn’t going to happen. My abdomen was quite tense and the pain level went from probably a 1 to a 5 or 6. Broke out in sweats way too quick for normal. So, golfing won’t be happening for me this week. Oh well.

Probably was not a good idea either to try eating a half dozen multi-grain Pringles and a piece of toast before going to the driving range. After recovering from the pain and sweats, my abdomen feels strangely just disconnected.

Don’t know how to describe the feeling any other way. I feel like I am carrying around a sack on the front of my body that doesn’t belong there. Weird. Just. Weird.

I am truly grateful for the time this week to be with the boys and for them to be with their buddies, as well as time to be with a good friend. I am doing my best to let go and relax even in the middle of this “stuff” I’m going through.

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