24 Mar EHS Conference – Day 1
It was helpful that today’s Conference didn’t start until noon. Gave us a chance to recover from yesterday’s activities. Should’ve thought to bring a pedometer along. I don’t know how many miles we walked throughout Manhattan, but it was at least a few.
After a good night’s rest, I was excited to see what the day had in store. This is the 2nd of Pete Scazzero’s EHS Pastors/Leaders Conference I have attended in New York and one of a handful since I’ve done a little bit of traveling and helping at others in Southern California.
Each conference has been a little more developed than the last. This one is turning out to show the same pattern. Where past conferences have been only 1 day, this is the first one they’ve done over 2 days. I can definitely tell that the added day will make a difference.
When we hosted the first Southern Cal EHS Conference 18 months ago at NewHeart, the biggest piece of feedback we received was that folks felt by the end of the day that they had taken a drink of water from a fire hose. There is so much to digest and process.
In reality, I am of the opinion that one would be best exposed to the EHS material and process by having it even be a 3 or 4 day retreat. At this point, the Scazzero’s feel that most Pastors would not take that much time.
I agree that it would be somewhat of a stretch to get Pastors there, but it’s a stretch I think would be well worth it. This material goes deep and requires much introspection. Sometimes, that introspection can be more readily handled if you have a chance to wear out less through long days of presentation and interaction and allow more time for rest, adequate sleep and down time. Just my opinion.
I realized again today how the Lord is always ready to do something new in us all. It’s always been a true thing to me that God doesn’t just save us and then call us done. We would never be able to handle the intensity of such transformation in our humanness. Instead, he is patient, loving, loooonnnngggg-suffering and willing to work with whatever we will give Him.
I, for one, am very grateful for that!
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