18 May Emotionally Healthy Church Comes West!
Just a few days ago, following up on my last post a month ago, Pete Scazzero and I locked in the date of Wednesday, October 19 for the first ever “Emotionally Healthy Church” Conference west of Chicago! The day will start at 9:00 am and end at 4:00 pm.
The night before, Tuesday, October 18, he and his wife, Geri, will lead an “Emotionally Healthy Marriage” Seminar from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. That will be open to our church as well as churches throughout our area.
As soon as we have the budget figured out, I’ll let you know what the cost of each event will be. For now, let me strongly encourage you to mark your calendar.
For Pastors reading this – make it a point to be there. Yes, I know the Conference is on a Wednesday and you may have Wednesday night service. Schedule someone else to speak that night! Make it a “you” investment. Include the marriage seminar the evening before with your spouse! We’re working on hotel deals.
For church leaders or bi-vocational Pastors, get the day off work on October 19. Let me just tell you – you don’t want to miss this!
By all means, get the book beforehand and read it. Best price can usually be found through Amazon.com.
If you have questions, want to discuss the material as you read it, or just want to check in from time to time, please post a comment.
Posted at 19:02h, 28 MayHi Pastor,
Just a line to tell you and Colleen we miss you both. Have you had our great cheese steaks and pizza yet from back East? It’s a must… don’t miss getting one. You know car shows are neat to go to. You need to look for a
“55 Ford Victoria” in black or a “57 Red Chev. Convertible” than you have seen a nice car. I’m talking about a family car not a sports car. After all we all didn’t have enough money back in the “50”‘s for those great looking sports cars. Well enough about cars for now.
We are ready to hear you tell us what God has done in the last week or so. Our prayers are with you both, see you went you get back.
Enjoy the rest of your trip.