Emotionally Healthy Connections

Emotionally Healthy Connections

I arrived in New York City on Tuesday night and am right now at the Pre-Conference on Emotionally Healthy Skills for marriages. The actual Pastors and Leaders Conference is on Friday & Saturday.

However, there is so much good stuff being taught here. I want you to be able to partake of it. One way you can do that is to click here. It will take you to a page where you can read the tweets being passed on by a few of us here.

Had a great day yesterday with a friend of mine who is here with a couple of leaders from his church. We spent the day touring Manhattan.

I also had a meeting with Pete Scazzero, author of Emotionally Healthy Spirituality and pastor of New Life Fellowship here in Elmhurst (in Queens). You may already know that I work with him and the EHS Team as a Ministry Representative and also coach pastors through the EHS Church-wide Initiative, which we went through last Fall as a church.

In our meeting, he asked me to present a 15 minute section of material in the conference on Friday morning. That’ll be exciting. Then, I will also be hosting a luncheon on Saturday for Pastors who are interested in the Church-wide Initiative.

I’ll go to church at New Life Sunday, spend the afternoon with a couple that have become good friends out here, and then fly home Monday morning.

As exciting as all this is, I miss Colleen and the boys a lot! And I miss NewHeart too!

For those at NewHeart, you don’t want to miss this Sunday. Stan Taylor will be speaking. He was an Associate Pastor at our church in the 80’s, and was the Principal of the school we operated back then as well.

Stan pastored Osborne Neighborhood Church in Arleta for the past 20 years until a couple months ago. Now, as they are seeking thir next steps in life and ministry, Stan and his wife Daisy, are making NewHeart their church home. I am honored that they have come back, even if only for a season!

Along with them, Stan’s father, Olin Taylor, is also attending. He is a longtime Foursquare Pastor who is now retired. The, to top that all off, one of their daughter’s, Leslie, and her husband, John, and their kids are making NewHeart their home. Leslie and Lisa, who are twins, were a part of our Youth Group when I was the Youth Pastor here.

Cool stuff that is happening for me around my life, and around NewHeart. I consider it a privilege to be a part of what God is doing.

If you stop by here, leave me a comment and let me know what YOU’re up to this week!

  • tim & deb
    Posted at 20:42h, 30 April Reply

    Sounds like you will have a very busy weekend. Right now I’m mowing everything I can as the weed eater died and Tim left this AM for Sean’s to run Sky Trak so he can finish painting the rest of the house. Rain due Fri. afternoon thru Sat so must get done. Don’t know if you heard bu they did get Notice of Occupancy from Cty. Now the bank…
    Glad for the update, was getting tired of April 13th
    Well back to the mower.


  • Jane
    Posted at 14:12h, 02 May Reply

    I served snacks and dinner at the Conference yesterday, Friday. Hope you are all having a great time: it’s a blessing to have you here! Enjoy Noo Yawk — we do it all for you. 🙂


    • Paul Kuzma
      Posted at 14:53h, 02 May Reply

      Thank you so much for serving us all Jane!! HUGE blessing to us!

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