Erythromycin Is NOT The Way To Go

Erythromycin Is NOT The Way To Go

I’ll save you (and me, frankly) the embarrassing details. Suffice to say that the erythromycin pretty much ripped my insides apart for a few days.

I guess when the doc said it would stimulate my stomach and bowels, he wasn’t kidding or messing around. We’re talking WAAAYYYYY overstimulate doc!

After Tuesday evening, Wednesday, Thursday and into the wee hours of Friday morning, I decided that erythromycin is definitely not the way to go.

Colleen recommended, go back to the Reglan, but stay on the liquid/super soft diet until this whole thing resolves. Thing is, it’s tough to get all necessary nutrition to have any energy, keep concentration, stand for more than a few minutes, keep concentration, gather focus, concentrate ….. is anybody getting my drift here?

Putting words together is a constant challenge. Difficult the more when you’re a preacher who is expected to put together bunches of words. Every. Sunday.

I am thanking God for a strong cadre of leaders and speakers for a church our size! If they were in charge, the church might actually grow some. Anyway, I digress …..

Stopped the stuff on Friday and called the doc, who ordered going back on the Reglan 4 times a day instead of 3. “Watch for the shakes”, he says.

Well, not only the shakes, but a kick up in anxiety as well. So we’ll be talking to the doc again tomorrow to find out if we stay the course or what.

On the good news front, my culture for the yeast overgrowth and bacterial infections came back all clear!

  • craig
    Posted at 03:25h, 10 May Reply

    Your in my prayers Pastor Paul…

    • Paul Kuzma
      Posted at 21:27h, 11 May Reply

      Thank you Craig!!

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