02 Jun Foursquare Connection, Day 4
This was the final day of our annual Foursquare Connection. A good one as well. Started off at 8:15 am (that’s 5:15 am my time!) with the final business session, where a couple of final reports were presented and votes were cast for some bylaw changes and other business.
At 10:00, the final session began with a powerful time of worship, followed by four short presentations by some younger leaders and other cultural leaders. They ended with a time of communion led by Jack Hayford.
After the conclusion, I spent a few hours lunching with Mike & Suzanne Northway. Mike and I went to Bible College together. He served as our Children’s Pastor at NewHeart in the early 90’s. After pastoring in Moorpark for a few years, he became a Prison Chaplain with the Federal Bureau of Prisons, a role he has enjoyed for almost 10 years now. It was so good to catch up with them and their kids who were with them as well.
After a short nap at the hotel, I went to dinner with Tim & Kelly Mossholder, good friends of ours from Oregon, and Johnny Cox. We enjoyed a stroll through some of downtown Columbus on a cool evening (it’s been very hot here all week).
Right when we got back to the hotel, I received our weekly phone call from Jonathan, so I took that up to my room and Colleen and I enjoyed hearing his voice. It wasn’t the smoothest conversation and he definitely is starting to make some more noise about coming home, but still not as bad as we have been led to believe that it can (or even will) get. He mentioned he got a sheet with his current school grades yesterday and that he is carrying all A’s and one B, so that is very good news!
After the call, the Mossholder’s and Johnny came up to the room and we had our traditional late into the night hangout, talking about all thing Foursquare, life, ministry, dreams,family news and happenings, future, and anything else we could think of until we were all just too tired to carry on. This night/event/tradition/meeting/party is probably my most favorite part of this week! We were missing a couple of regulars that usually join us as they weren’t able to make it to Convention/Connection this year. As they also missed me the last two years when I was unable to be here.
For now, I hit the sack and look forward to not having to wake up early! Plane doesn’t leave until 6:40 pm Ohio time, so I’ll relax, review Sunday’s message, do some reading and enjoy the anticipation of getting back home to the love of my life!
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