17 Jul Gastroparesis Research Study
Last week and this one, I’ve made quick trips to San Francisco. It’s a 6 hour drive north from home, so it’s a good thing I like to drive, I guess!
The trips have been for appointments with the California Pacific Medical Center to go through screening tests to be enrolled in the Gastroparesis 2 Research Study.
These folks are in the 8th year of a 10 year study. They’re trying to discover the cause of gastroparesis. Several universities and medical research centers across the country are participating. It’s is NOT a medication study; just research on the condition to discover the cause if they can.
If you have gastroparesis, or know anyone who does, pass this info on to them. They’re looking for more gastroparesis patients to participate.
Rika O'Connor
Posted at 10:29h, 01 JulyHi Pastor Paul, I just stumbled on your site while looking for Gastroparesis info. Did you participate in the study? I also have GP and am interested in knowing if there were any good conclusions or suggestions. Thanks, Rika
Sylvia Norfleet
Posted at 18:29h, 30 JulyI have this gastroenteritis it seemed to happen to me after my EGD but know one knows why…