Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July!

Here’s to a wonderful 4th of July to you and yours! I hope it rings something of freedom’s reign in your heart that goes far beyond burgers, hot dogs, lots of goodies and pool parties! May the depth of what this day represents move strongly in your heart today and cause us all to stop for a few moments to give thanks to the Father for the gift that freedom is.

Colleen and the boys are up north this weekend, taking a last minute opportunity that arose to spend a few days with her parents and all siblings at her brother’s “back 40” in Lincoln, CA. I stayed behind due to a few work things that needed tending over these days.

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It’s not often that Colleen’s siblings are all together at once in the same place. Doesn’t happen much for mine either, but anyways, that’s where they’re hanging right now. Her borther literally has 40 acres up there that he is building a house on. The family has already been doing a bit of framing during their time there.

For us, the 4th of July is usually spent sleeping in and hanging at the BBQ and backyard with family and friends. Almost always culminates with the City Fireworks Extravaganza either from a nearby view at the Park, or seeing what we can from the roof of our house.

With Colleen and the boys gone, I am taking the first part of the day to relax and read. I am hoping to get a ride-along this afternoon and into the night, figuring this would be a good night to get out with a couple of Police Officers and see what’s happening behind the fireworks in our City.

If anything exciting happens, I’ll let you know!

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