25 Jun Headed Back to Texas
After a great weekend at home, I am in Terminal 1 at LAX waiting for my 5:00 pm flight back to Dallas. I am supposed to land there at 10:50 pm CDT (8:50 pm PDT). I’ll spend 2 nights there and start my drive home on Wednesday.
I am excited to make a stop Thursday in Sierra Vista, AZ to meet my great-aunt Margaret. My Dad’s aunt, we apparently were together when I was a very little kid, but I have no memory that far back. She is the last remaining Kuzma sibling that far back, and I hope to hear some stories about one of her brothers, who is my namesake and grandfather.
I anticipate returning home sometime Friday night.
Mom was released from the hospital yesterday (Sunday) and it sounds like she is doing well today. It will be a good feeling to start the long drive home with everything having gone so well for her!
Yesterday at church, we took the morning to hear from Johnny Cox, our Associate Pastor for the last four years, on his last “official” Sunday on Staff. We normally receive an offering to send a transitioning Pastor to their next assignment with a financial blessing. For Johnny, we received offerings of finances and support cards for Over The Top Ministries. I am excited to hear how this turned out sometime in the next few days. It was a great morning, and so good to be home to worship with the NewHeart family!
I am discovering a little bit the last few weeks of what it’s like for those who have jobs that require constant travel. It’s a whole different kind of mind frame it seems one has to be in to travel regularly and stay healthy mentally, physically and emotionally. Different time zones, different cultural locales, the rigors of living from a suitcase and navigating the maze of packing and airport issues.
As I woke this morning knowing today would be travel-filled, I had my mental checklist of things that needed to be done before I left. That’s where my mind was, but my heart was at home, wanting to just be with Colleen and Jonathan (Joshua is off on a vacation with a friend and their family), rather than cruising the house and local streets doing stuff.
It was necessary stuff, just not what I wanted to be doing or where I wanted to be. So, it seems that the mind frame (maybe the mental game) that you have to go through to travel regularly is just more than I’ve realized before.
Enough driveling for now. I’ll blog at you later!
Posted at 01:55h, 27 JuneI was able to listen to John’s message from Sun. and it was so encouraging and enthusiastic. I know God has great things in store for him. NewHeart has truly been blessed by his presence and will continue to be blessed by him as OTT grows.
Posted at 01:55h, 27 JuneI was able to listen to John’s message from Sun. and it was so encouraging and enthusiastic. I know God has great things in store for him. NewHeart has truly been blessed by his presence and will continue to be blessed by him as OTT grows.