I May Regret It

I May Regret It

Just finished a LOONNGG day that I may regret tomorrow! Woke up at 4:15, showered (just to wake myself more), picked up my brother-in-law, and drove to Phoenix.

There, he rented a moving truck and we loaded about an apartment’s worth of furniture into it from his parents rental house. Then, believe it or not, we drove back … today!! Got home around 8:15 tonight.

Now, for me, I got to sleep the first few hours while Dan drove. I actually felt rested by the time we got there. I can’t imagine how HE is feeling tonight.

Unloading waits for tomorrow, along with some painting at my house. You know … one of those “well, if we’re gonna get a new (to us) couch, we might as well change the color and clean the walls up like we’ve needed to for far too long!”

I’m tired from tomorrow already, let alone today. I may regret all this tomorrow. I’ll let you know!

By the way, if you didn’t make it to church yesterday, you MISSED out! Randy Stonehill was amazing and the laughter we enjoyed was glorious!

Whatever you do, invite alot of people to come to Easter this weekend. THAT, you will NOT regret!!

  • Sherene
    Posted at 01:33h, 05 April Reply

    Wow, you’re amazing to be able to do that. I guess we can surprise ourselves when we have a goal. I am looking forward to Easter and the refreshing it brings. This Lenten season has been very enlightening and rich for me. Thank you for the encouragement you write and the blessing that you are to everyone who reads your blog.

  • Pastor Paul
    Posted at 03:33h, 05 April Reply

    Thanks Sherene!! Your encouragement is a blessing!

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