02 Sep I’m Not Alone
This morning, a story ran on NBC’s Today Show. It was about a young lady named Gentrie Hanson, who has gastroparesis, the same rare condition I’ve been diagnosed with.
You can click here to watch the feature.
While my experience is mine alone, it’s always good to know that you’re NOT alone! I also haven’t had as extreme of an experience as Gentrie has, especially in term of nutritional support.
Her story, so far, ends happily, with the installation of a gastric pacemaker. She is getting healthier and gaining weight, and it has been a successful procedure for her.
I posted the link on my Facebook page and received several comments from people hoping I can get the pacemaker. However, I clarified that I am not a candidate for it. My weight has been stable for a couple of months now, even though I am not symptom-free and still struggle with taking in enough calories with the daily nausea and abdominal pain.
The nausea and pain are not as intense as they were through about mid-late July, but they’re still daily. My diet is pretty much soft foods, low fiber and low fat. The smaller the portions, the better the result. So, I try to eat smaller meals more times per day.
Anywho, just thought I’d post the link to this story. I am happy to see this rare disorder get some press and awareness.
Gene Stabe
Posted at 02:04h, 03 SeptemberSorry to hear you have been thru the physical wringer like you have, but it sounds like you have turned a corner. I am praying for you today my friend. I had a battle this Summer with mouth, jaw, nerve problems. 2 crowns, a root canal & oral surgery later – I am feeling mostly normal again. At one point I wanted to strip my clothes off and run amok thru the streets. Thank God for a caring wife who walked with me pacing thru the house until I was able to sleep or pass out. As well as others the Lord has brought into my life. I am learning to be a better pastor and person thru these trials and coming to a place of brokenness once again where I depend on the Lord in new ways. I hope you are as well. I dig the blog. I miss ya and love you. Your friend, Gene. P.S. – Going to Iowa this weekend.
Judy Corbett
Posted at 19:53h, 03 SeptemberHi Paul…
I did watch the video of the show you posted. Very interesting and I can imagine it was nice to know you were not alone. However, that still doesn’t make you well! I am sorry you are not a candidate for that pace maker as it seems that would sure end the problem. I do hope and pray that the new combination of drugs will ease your symptoms. Having been through years of tests and pain myself, I truly know how hard it is. There were times when I wanted to just give up and almost lost hope…but I know God wanted me to rely on Him all the more. Your remarkable Faith has kept you going and I am inspired by it. Bless you and I pray for you to be symptom free soon!
Loe, Judy 🙂