Interesting Day for a Dad (& a Son)

Interesting Day for a Dad (& a Son)

Perusing some visitor guides for San Diego in our hotel room last night, we came across an ad for the U.S. Marine Recruit Depot (that’s Boot Camp for those not into Marine-speak) Museum. I didn’t know there was a Boot Camp Museum.

Josh, who will turn 14 on February 16, currently plans to become a US Marine when he graduates High School. That’s only 4 years from now!

When we saw the ad, we thought it’d be a great idea to do a visit while we were here. And, it turns out our hotel is only a couple minutes from the MCRD.

It was a very cool visit! When we approached the gate, the Marine Guard asked what we were there for. I told him we were there to drop off two teenage boys! He asked, “For?” I said, “Oh, about four years would be good.” Got a chuckle from him.

The visit to the MCRD Museum offered several exhibits of recruit training and wars from throughout Marine history. It sent chills down my spine remembering that both of my brothers graduated from MCRD San Diego. Within moments of being there, we could hear the chants of recruit platoons from afar. Another chill down the spine!

We were there for a couple of hours. We walked out to observe the parade deck. I’ve been there for 4 Boot Camp Graduations. It was moving to think my own son may be there a few years from now.

The interesting part of the visit for me didn’t happen all at once. I really didn’t even recognize it until we had left and Colleen mentioned that I seemed tense. She nailed it.

I slowly recognized that I what I had been feeling for the first time was the tension of pride on one end and anxiety and uncertainty on the other. As Josh has shared his excitement to become a Marine (he’s done quite a lot of research about it), I have felt a lot of pride about it as I’ve observed him.

Today was the first time I had any hint of negative emotion about it. That’s not bad, just made it interesting for me. Haven’t had a chance to talk much with Josh yet about it, other than catching his general excitement and anticipation growing after the visit.

From there, we’ve made our way to Temecula to be with family friends. I’m very much looking forward to the Super Bowl with them tomorrow. Go Kurt!

1 Comment
  • tim & deb
    Posted at 07:25h, 01 February Reply

    It’s kind of funny, OK, so strange, but as soon as I read your reaction to the Boot Camp what immediately hit me was my reaction when I took Kerr to her last chemo. I had planned it for a month, told everyone that since she took me to my 1st I was taking her for her last, etc. Her appt was Dec 26th and Christmas nite all of a sudden it hit me “I DON’T WANT TO DO THIS” this being around chemo stuff (and I wasn’t really sick or anything) Talk about being broad-sided. I had NO IDEA that was in me. Of course being the MOM I made myself do it but I could hardly wait til she was thru. It’s amazing the crud that can pop up when you least expect it.
    Tim and I took Kay to the WAP about a yr after it 1st opened. I’ve always wanted to go back.
    Tell Julie and family hello for us and like you, Go Kurt !

    Love, Mom

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