Interesting Week

Interesting Week

I sure miss NewHeart! I mean, I’m here and all, working away like normal, but I had to miss out on last Sunday’s Celebration. Couple weeks ago, my youngest, Jonathan, spent a couple of days bowing to the porcelain throne. Seems the stomach bug couldn’t resist me.

Last Thursday afternoon, I came home with that queasy feeling we all hate and a slight fever. I hit the sack and hoped for the best, but I guess my best wasn’t good enough …. anyway ….

I was glad to have not tossed my lunch, but then again, over the next few days, there was no lunch (or breakfast or dinner for that matter) to toss. I lost 6 pounds between Thursday and Monday! Great for the diet, but hard on the stomach and energy!

Worst of all was missing church on Sunday. I can only remember one or two other times in 20 years that I’ve had to bail on a Sunday service due to sickness.

Then, Jonathan is playing baseball for the first time this year. He’s got opening weekend this Saturday. Of all times for his very first baseball game, any guesses? Yep! Sunday, 9:00 am! It’s his only Sunday game that begins before 12:00 noon all season! Go figure!

All that to say I’m missing out this Sunday too! There’s just no way I can miss my son’s first baseball game. If you’re from NewHeart, I hope you can understand. You’ll be well taken care of as Johnny is speaking in my stead!

I’ll look forward to being there next Sunday, the 19th, and hope you will too!

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