21 Dec I’ve Been Coined!
For the first time ever, I got coined today at church! Gabe Milbauer, a young man who was part of my Youth Group when I was the Youth Pastor at NewHeart, is in the Navy, stationed in San Diego. He is a Petty Officer 2nd Class who has served for 5 years and is ready to enlist for another 6 soon.
I knew Gabe was going to be at church during the holidays with his family, so I had actually arranged for him to come to church in uniform today. I didn’t tell him that I had planned to coin HIM! Foursquare, our denomination of churches, has a coin for Foursquare Chaplains. Since I am a Police Chaplain, I was given one some years ago when they were created.
The tradition of “coining” is a long one in the military. You can read more about it here.
When I introduced Gabe this morning at our second service, he was very warmly welcomed. I interviewed him for a few moments and then explained some of the tradition before coining Gabe.
Lo and behold, he ended up outdoing me (not that it’s any kind of competition). Since he knew I was going to be having him share a few moments, he had a coin that signifies his rank engraved with my name and his on it and coined me!
I was completely blown away and surprised. It was a very special moment for me.
Posted at 15:47h, 16 MarchThat is so cool. Wish I had been there to see it!