28 May Latest Convention News
It’s the 2nd day of Convention and running into old friends has been a real treat for me.
Saw Charlie & Darla Finocchiarro. Charlie was in my wedding and I was in his. We did Bible College together and now they are missionaries in the Dominican Republic.
Ran into Denny & Brenda Truett. The 3 of us went through Bible College together. They spent almost 20 years as missionaries in Argentina and Ecuador. Now they are pastoring in Ada, Oklahoma and just saw their oldest child, Michelle, get married last Saturday!
Saw Mike Barker, a former Youth Pastor at NewHeart, on the elevator. He and Stacy are still in Austin, pastoring City Life Community Church.
Another old Bible College buddy, Gil Dirmann, is now pastoring in South Carolina. We used to hang out quite a bit back in the dorm days.
The most significant session of the day to me was the workshop session I attended on Sabbaticals. It was presented very well by a couple in Ohio who took a sabbatical 3 years ago. More and more Foursquare Churches are beginning to recognize the need for this crucial part of a Pastor’s rhythm, and it’s a good thing. We have by and large always known Sabbaticals to be REactive instead of PROactive. I am so glad to see this tide beginning to turn!
Also had lunch today with some new friends. We actually met through my work with Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, and that’s what we met about today. Both of the couples are pastoring churches in Washington State that are interested in integrating the EHS principle into their churches.
After that, I was introduced to a pastor who is just now recognizing and admitting that he is in burnout. I was asked to help walk him through the initial stages of entering a sabbatical period for his own health and the health of his marriage. This part of my work is always confidential, but the Lord knows who he and his family are. Pray for them if you would.
The only real downer to the day was tonight’s session. Foursquare leaders are trying something new this year, bringing some of the Convention business into the main sessions. It’s an attempt to save time and increase participation regarding the business matters of the Convention body. Our business sessions have been known to be way too long in the afternoons.
However, I don’t think it’s really saving any time overall. Last night’s meeting was 4 hours long, and tonight’s was over 3-1/2 hours long. By the time tonight’s session was dismissed, over half the crowd had already left! It will be interesting to see if this gets addressed at all in the next couple of days.
That’s it for now! Good night all!
Posted at 07:25h, 28 MayHey Paul! If you get a chance, tell Tim and Charlie I said Hey!