Life’s Sacred Moments

Life’s Sacred Moments

I learned early on as a Pastor that it is a privilege to get to be invited into some of what I call “life’s sacred moments”. One of those kind of moments is when someone is near or has reached the finish line of this life. Simply put … when someone is near death or has died.

Today, I got to be involved in some of those moments. David Allan Colvin, husband of 22 years to Patricia and father to Tiffany (16), Jaclyn (13) and Cole (9), went home to be with the Lord at 9:50 pm last night, April 23, 2007.

This man led an amazing life. In short … 2 tours in Vietnam with the Navy as a helicopter pilot and an entrepreneur who started a number of highly successful businesses. Patricia and her kids found NewHeart a few years ago as a result of Prison Fellowship’s Angel Tree Ministry.

David was serving time in jail (about 6 years), and had requested that Prison Fellowship add his kids to the Angel Tree list. As a result, our church was assigned to provide Christmas gifts for each of his kids on his behalf. Angel Tree is an amazing program!

David’s jail time is a LOOONNNGGG and complicated story … truly one of those “unfairly convicted” kinds of stories. While in jail, David survived two bouts of cancer.

Released 18 months ago and catching up on lost time with his family, he was diagnosed with brain cancer in January. Two weeks ago, he was informed he had 3 months to live, and last night, he passed away peacefully.

If you would, please pray for Patricia and her kids. And to those who have participated in Angel Tree each year, just a note to say you never know whose life you’re powerfully impacting with a simple gift!!

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