26 Apr Our Breezeway Remodel Project Approved!!
I was extremely excited to stop by the City Planning Division desk to pick up our Breezeway Remodel Project Approval papers today!! That means that we can move ahead with our construction drawings, which will be submitted to Building & Safety for our Building Permit. We hope that can happen by the end of May.
While we go through Building & Safety, our Contractor will put together the sub-contractors needed for the job. I am hoping that somewhere in there, we can have at least a couple of “Demolition Days”. Keep it in mind if you want to come help us tear at some of the walls and such! It will hopefully help keep some of the overall costs down too.
If you’re a part of NewHeart life, keep your eyes and ears open. We’ll have more news as we proceed. Matter of fact, here’s another piece right now ….
On Tuesday, May 13 at 7:00 pm, we will have a Congregation Meeting for the purpose of discussing and voting on the loan papers necessary to get through construction. Everyone is invited, though only official members can actually vote.
So, especially if you are a NewHeart member, please make plans to be with us that evening. It won’t take more than an hour, and it’s a crucial step in the process.
Any questions? Feel free to leave them in the comments if you have any!
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