07 Aug Pastor Glen Jackson Update
I have hesitated to post updates as 2-3 sources seem to be giving somewhat conflicting information. However, here is what I have heard so far that seems to be confirmed by the sources.
Tuesday night, a cyst on Glen’s brain was drained, and seems to have been related to the bleeding. Bleeding on the brain stopped once they drained this cyst. However, there is coagulated blood on the brain now constricting flow of normal brain fluids. While doctors have said that could take “months” to dissipate, they have said Glen needs it to dissipate within the next 48 hours or so.
The Skifter's
Posted at 18:36h, 07 AugustHi Paul,
Most of that information is off a bit. Let me clear it up for you.
The cyst was a congenital cyst that Glen has had from birth. It had absolutely nothing to do with the bleeding. The cyst was drained to provide more room in the skull for the swelling.
An MRI was done on Tuesday and revealed that the bleeding had stopped. Apparently the bleeding has been stopped for a while but that had not been clearly communicated to the family (not really sure that the doctors knew that either). The blood in the brain that has been showing up on the CT scans is coagulated blood from the original bleed.
The coagulated blood will take 2-3 weeks to dissipate.
The doctors were interested in seeing Glen’s condition in the 24-48 hours following the cyst drain.
His condition is still critical. Thank you for your prayers and concern, please keep it up! 🙂