Rejoicing In Heaven!

Rejoicing In Heaven!

Heaven has to be truly rejoicing to have Cathy Haedt in the presence of Jesus right now! When I saw her earlier this morning, I remembered her telling me on Monday that she wanted the battle to end, but she didn’t know how to “go from here to there.”

She clearly knew the battle on this earth was coming to an end, but said she didn’t know how to stop breathing and go to be with Jesus. I shared with her that that isn’t a decision for any of us to make; that decision is in God’s hands. While we wait, He is still at work!

When I saw Cathy this morning, and spoke with some of the family, I shared my heart that what Cathy wanted Monday would come true. That she would just stop breathing and nothing more.

That is exactly what happened at about 1:45 pm today. She was surrounded by Fred, Ceci, her Mom, and Fred’s son, Russ.

Cathy’s race in this world is done! She has run straight into the arms of her Savior, Jesus Christ! I don’t know if He personally greets everyone first in Heaven …. but I DO believe He was there to greet her before anyone else. I just believe that about Cathy Haedt!

Fred and the family have already gone back to the house, which will take some time to adjust to, as you might imagine. So many have offered to help however needed. Right now, FredĀ  and Ceci are physically exhausted, having not slept much this week. It would be most sensitive to their needs to call before before going to the house, so you can see what their availability is. They’re deeply in need of some rest today and through the weekend.

Fred is specifically requesting that food not be brought to the house. Our Emergency Meals Team will be providing dinners and other food in some effort to not overwhelm them with too much food. Fred is concerned, and feels that Cathy would be concerned, about a lot of food going to waste!

If you would like to provide a dinner on the rotation in the next couple of weeks, please contact Shirley Francis-Jones, who coordinates our Emergency Meals Team, at 805-404-1373.

As soon as I know the details of Cathy’s Memorial Celebration, I will let you know.

  • Greg Smith
    Posted at 04:40h, 14 March Reply

    Thank you so much for being there for Fred, Cathy and Ceci. You have been a true friend, brother, Pastor!
    Cathy will be truly missed by us and I’m sure by so many. She was such an amazing person and we will always cherish the great times spent with her.
    Cathy was Colleen’s “best friend”, someone she could call on or talk to at any time and about any topic. Cathy would never judge, she was always ready to listen, encourage and build you up no matter what.
    We are going to miss her dearly.
    I’m trying to encourage my family to take what we learned from Cathy and share that special light that she truly was. There are going to be people in our live that will need that same kind of compassion, encouragement and love that Cathy taught us and in that way Cathy’s legacy will carry on and on.
    The Apostle Paul always started his letters in the New Testament… “To the Saints…” because we have Christ in us, God views us as “Saints” but when I think of Cathy….. She was in the front of the line!
    God Bless you Paul! And God Bless the Haedt’s!!!
    The Smith’s

    • Paul Kuzma
      Posted at 05:29h, 14 March Reply

      Thank you for your heartfelt thoughts Greg! Cathy OFTEN spoke so lovingly of her appreciation for your friendship and travels together. Blessings on the entire Smith clan!

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