Sabbatical Plans

Sabbatical Plans

Tomorrow evening, during our Annual Congregation Meeting, our Church Council will take some time to share about my upcoming Sabbatical. They’ll also be taking questions anyone has.

If you’re a Pastor who is reading this blog, and you have experience with an intentional Sabbatical, I’d love to connect with you. I am looking for as much preparation as I can get as we plan out this Summer.

It’s been 8 years since my run-in with burnout that changed my life. Since then, I’ve been doing what I can to learn what got me there and how to keep from going there again. It’s been quite the journey.

Anyway, one of the things I’ve discovered about long-term Pastors is that they take extended breaks (Sabbaticals) every few years. Last year, our Council did some study of their own adn drafted a policy that allows for NewHeart Pastors to take a three month Sabbatical every seven years. Associate Pastor will be allowed a two month Sabbatical every seven years.

That said, we’re planning for this Summer (June – August) and I believe it will be a very pivotal time for our family, especially the boys.

Josh just turned 14 and will begin High School in August. Jonathan just turned 13 and will enter his final year of Middle School in August. I really want to take this time to invest in them at this critical age.

So far, it looks like we’ll be able to get away from the house (the parsoange we occupy is right next door to the church) from mid-June to end of July. Jonathan has to be back for football practice on August 1.

Some time in August, I hope to do a getaway or two on my own or with Colleen for some of our own refreshing and renewal time. We’ll see.

I’ll journal here some of our plans as they develop. The time away for six weeks is so far being planned with a RV road trip in mind. When I get a Google Map going for it, I’ll post a link so you can see where we’re going!

  • Jan Owen
    Posted at 12:54h, 22 February Reply

    Hey Paul, Feel free to email me and we can set up a phone appt to talk about how I planned mine last year…..

    I also took three months and would love to minister to you as you have to me by giving you my thoughts….

  • Pingback:Upcoming Sabbatical
    Posted at 08:05h, 06 March Reply

    […] our Annual Congregation Meeting. I wrote about some of it as it relates to my upcoming Sabbatical here. I plan to write about it here to keep everyone (family, friends, and church) up to date on our […]

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