28 Jul Test Scheduled & Spot Secured!
I just now heard back from Cedars-Sinai. My Gastric Emptying Study has been scheduled for next Friday, August 6 at 8:30 am at Cedars. The follow-up appointment with the doctor for results will be on Thursday, August 19 at 11:30 am. I’ve asked them to put me on a list for cancellations to see if I can get a follow-up with the doctor earlier than August 19. We’ll see!
Met with my regular doctor this morning for follow-up on some other testing he did to chase down some possibilities for some of my symptoms and they all came out fine.
On another note, we heard today that Josh’s spot for the Devil Pups Boot Camp has been secured! We drop him off in Pasadena at 7:00 am tomorrow. A bus will take he and the other “Pups” to Camp Pendleton from there. We’ll attend his graduation next Saturday, August 7 at noon.
I am looking forward to taking the weekend with friends in Temecula then as well. We haven’t done any real “family vacation” together this Summer yet, so that should be a good break for us all.
Bob Hager
Posted at 00:58h, 29 JulyStill praying