

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I just feel like life gets dog-gone overwhelming! Strike that…I KNOW you find that too!

I haven’t blogged in the last two weeks because of what the PRIOR two weeks were like. Three Chaplain call-outs (2 of them REALLY intense), the death of a church-connected person, and some tough health news on my Mom and Dad – all within 10 days.

An old story talks about a Western businessman who wanted to go on safari deep into Africa. Upon arrival, he hired a crew of nationals to be his guides. Being the Westerner he is, he drives the nationals at break-neck speed, wanting to get where he is going NOW!

A few hours into the journey, the group stops for a break. Moments later, the Westerner wants to move on, but for the life of him, he CANNOT get the guides to move from their place of rest.

When he asks the Leader of the guides why they won’t move, the Leader responds, “Sir, we must let our souls catch up with our bodies!”

That’s what life gets like sometimes. And for me, sometimes, while my soul is catching up with my body, I have to lay some “to-do” things down. Otherwise, I remain disconnected. And no one can do that very long.

So, while I’ve missed sharing life with you here, that’s where I’ve been. I hope to pick up (and maybe even catch you up) over the next few days. It’s quite something to me that life has been like it has for the last four weeks or so…right when I am preparing to begin a teaching series on SABBATH!! Go figure!

  • Sherene
    Posted at 02:05h, 18 May Reply

    I think God times these crazy times perfectly, so we realize without a doubt that we need to stop and rest. I pray that God is giving you true Sabbath rest during this time.

  • Pastor Paul
    Posted at 15:31h, 18 May Reply

    I agree Sherene! Sabbath helps us realize that God is God … and we are not!

    It’s like tithing to me. It helps me realize that it all comes form Him in the first place.

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