Whirlwind Weekend

Whirlwind Weekend

Ever had one of those weekends that seems like a few weeks crammed into a few days? That’s yesterday through tomorrow for me.

Thursday morning, I was in La Crescenta with the staff from our Foursquare Pacific ARC (Administrative Resource Center…there are 3 across the nation). I have been leading their staff through The Emotionally Healthy Church workbook. It’s been a fun journey so far.

Early this morning, I had breakfast with my Pastor, then headed to Hollywood Community Hospital to hang out with a gal in our church whose husband is having long-awaited back surgery. He should be home Sunday or Monday.

From there, I am right now near LAX, waiting to pick up Pete Scazzero (author of The Emotionally Healthy Church). As we’ve cultivated a friendship over the last couple years, I try to hang with him whenever he is in the area. I’ll take him to Pomona, where we’ll stay overnight.

In the morning, I’ll take him to LIFE Pacific College (the Foursquare Bible College and my alma mater) in San Dimas. Our denomination is having their 2nd Annual “Stewarding the Life of a Servant Leader” Live Satellite Broadcast.

Pastor Jack Hayford will speak the first 90 minutes. Pete will follow for 90 minutes, then Ted Roberts will conclude with a 90 minute session. The event is being broadcast live to over 350 Foursquare churches across the nation.

As soon as Pete is done speaking, I’ll drop him off at LAX and he’ll fly home from there. I’ll make a stop at the Hollywood hospital I was at this morning to visit my friend, then head home.

Meanwhile, Colleen is at our Women’s Retreat this weekend in Oxnard, and just this morning, I started to feel a slight toothache that has increased in intensity just in the last hour. Yes, Friday at 5:15! Anyone who knows me knows some of my dental history. YIKES!!!

All of the above (except the toothache of course) is why Todd Hacker is preaching Sunday. I can’t wait to hear him again. He spoke on New Year’s Eve and did great. If you’re in town, don’t miss it!!

One last thing…don’t forget to turn your clocks ONE HOUR AHEAD on Saturday night!

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